3rd SURE World Conference 2020: Call for sessions and workshops

Dear Colleagues,

on behalf of the team of the Integrated Geography Department at the Adam Mickiewicz University, we are pleased to announce the event titled CITIES AS SOCIAL-ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS - The 3rd World Conference of the Society for Urban Ecology (SURE2020), which will be held on 6 - 8 July 2020 in Poznań.

It is our pleasure to welcome you to attend this very promising event. The webpage of the SURE 2020 just became operational (www.sure2020.org), and provides a wide range of topics covered by the conference. The leading concept of the SURE2020 conference in Poznań is to facilitate the welcoming forum for scholars, experts, business and administration professionals for presentation of their research and exchange of the ideas, concepts, experiences and different points of view.

Starting on the 1st of September, we kindly invite you to use the registration form (https://www.sure2020.org/#call) to propose sessions or workshops of your interest.

As organisers, we do our best to make the conference affordable for participants from all over the world.

We look forward to welcoming you next July in Poznań!

On behalf of the organising committee

Andrzej Mizgajski & Katarzyna Fagiewicz


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