Wakacyjna praca w Holandii - Looking for a Holiday Job in Holland ?

Pan Jakobs  Cutflowers złożył w Dziekanacie WOAK ofertę wakacyjnej pracy w Holandii w firme Summerflowers. 

Jakobs  Cutflowers      (www. Summerflowers.nl)     

Our company is growing cutflowers in tunnels and outdoor.

The crops we grow : Aster (callistephus), Carnations and Hypericum.

The harvest is starting around june and ending  end off oktober.

We are looking for a maximum of 4 female workers during holiday-time.

The working period will be for a minimum off 8-10 weeks.  We work  

6 days a week, and on Sundays only harvest, depends the weather. 

We offer

 Salary  6 euro netto/ hour.

Accomodation, kitchen, douche, wifi etc at the company, for free!

Interested:  Send  your CV to : Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

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